In 1985, Michael studied Mandarin at Xiamen University. In 2011, he
joined the faculty, teaching English to International Economics and Trade
students. At the time, XMU's freshmen and sophomores studied at the
Zhangzhou campus, across the bay on the mainland, so we also
lived over there. In 2012, the university moved
(and so did we), giving this campus to its sister school: Tan Kah Kee
University. (Click here for a map of the area.)
The following photos are from Michael's 2011-12 school year.

(Right) Michael
and students pause by statues at the fort. |

guns like this one have guarded the harbor for over 100 years. The sister
fort, Hu-li-shan (next to the university) is more famous, but this fort
next to the Harbor Master lighthouse is free! You just have to use the
ferry to visit Zhangzhou Development Zone.


Vivian took this photo by the university's north gate. "A"
was our apartment building, just five minutes away! "B" is a mountain that
was being moved (to create an island with expensive homes). "C" is the
local police station (with the hospital next to it, not visible in this
photo). Behind the police station you see other tall apartment/condo
buildings (mostly empty). "D" is one of several entrances to the village
across from campus, where students go to eat out (when they get tired of
cafeteria food), buy clothes, get haircuts, quench their thirst (mostly
with non-alcoholic drinks, often flavored with teas or fruits), fix mobile
phones, and do the other things that college students like to do.

Above, students dining with Vivian and I near campus. One of the best
things about living near the students is the chance to see them outside of
Below, some of my 2011 students help us pick out a cactus after enjoying
dinner together in a local restaurant. You know the climate is dry when
the local "florists" mainly sell cacti!


This is the university's main "teaching area",
about 15 minutes walk from dorms (in either direction). The old XMU campus
is known as one of the most beautiful in the world, and this "sister
campus" also lives up to this reputation. Amenities include a lake used
for "dragon boat" practice, and a swimming pool and small golf course (for
Physical Education classes).

The passenger ferry and car/truck ferry dock a few miles
from the Tan Kah Kee campus. That is Xiamen in the background. |

is a beautiful port city in Fujian (across the bay from the Zhangzhou
Development Zone).
“Downtown” is seen here from Gulangyu—Xiamen’s charming
neighbor-island with lovely old homes, quiet beaches, and many other
attractions. (2002) Someday, I may get time to post more Gulangyu
photos! |

About 2 hours down the coast, you can find another historic
treasure: The Volcano National Park. While there are not a lot of
photogenic spots, it is a lovely, quiet park--a great place to get away
from the bustle of life in China. |
For more info about Xiamen & Fujian,
these sites were created by our colleagues, Bill & Sue Brown:
http://www.amoymagic.mts.cn (within China)
http://www.amoymagic.com (outside China) |

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