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Images are in various sizes. For best results, download the one closest to your monitor size, and then choose "center" instead of "stretch." (Watch for more images later--especially if people write to say they like them!)

Instructions for PC users: Click on the picture you want and you should see a bigger image; right-click and choose "save image as" and then save to your computer; locate it and then click "set as desktop background." I think you can save a step by choosing "set as desktop background" instead of "save image as," but then I'm not sure where your computer will store it! If you end up with a small photo or poor-quality picture, then you probably "right-clicked" the small photo on this page instead of the bigger one you get by "left-clicking" this photo.

Mac users: I've been told that iPad2 screens are 1024 x 786 pixels, but I'm afraid I don't know how to download wallpaper for a Mac screen.

See our Policy regarding the use of materials available at or

All images (c)2012 Michael Krigline unless otherwise noted. Permission granted to download for personal use.

Xiamen, China; 1680x1050

Xiamen, China; 1024 x 786 pixels

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; rising after a fall; 1280x800 pixels

Xiamen, China; 1366x768 pixels

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; rising after a fall; 1366x768 pixels

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; James 4:10; 1280x800 pixels

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; James 4:10; 1280x1024

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; James 4:10; 1024 x 786 pixels

Xi'an Terra Cotta army; 1366x768

Xi'an Terra Cotta Army; 1680x1050

The Serenity Prayer, Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China; 1024 x 786 pixels

The Serenity Prayer, Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China; 1280x800 pixels

The Serenity Prayer, Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China; 1440 x 900 pixels

Unseen Things, Lijiang, Yunnan, China; 1024 x 786 pixels

Unseen Things, Lijiang, Yunnan, China; 1280x800 pixels

Unseen Things, Lijiang, Yunnan, China; 1440 x 900 pixels

Great Wall, 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China; 1440 x 900 pixels

Carving pumpkins; follow father's example; 1024 x 786 pixels (the "Viking Views" is the high school newspaper for which Andrew was a photographer/editor in 2010-11; Michael was an editor for the "Views" in 1977-78. This photo was printed in a major Ohio newspaper in 2010.)

Great Wall, 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China; 1024 x 786 pixels

Great Wall, 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China; 1280x800 pixels

China's Great Wall; 1280x800 pixels

China's Great Wall; 1440 x 900 pixels

Siberian seagulls wintering in Kunming, China;  1280x1024 pixels

China's Great Wall; 1024 x 786 pixels

Siberian seagulls wintering in Kunming, China;  1280x800 pixels

Siberian seagulls wintering in Kunming, China;  1440 x 900 pixels


Guilin (Li River), China;  1024 x 786 pixels

Guilin (Li River), China;  1440 x 900 pixels


Guilin (Li River), China;  1280x800

Alaska sunset1  1280x800 pixels

Alaska sunset1  1024 x 786 pixels

Alaska sunset1  1440 x 900 pixels

Alaska sunset2  1280x800 pixels

Alaska sunset2  1440 x 900 pixels


Alaska Whale Tail; 1024 x 786 pixels

Alaska sunset2  1024 x 786 pixels

Alaska Whale Tail; 1280x800 pixels

Alaska Whale Tail; 1680x1050 pixels

Alaska Whales with Psalm 104; 1024 x 786 pixels

Alaska Whales with Psalm 104; 1366x768 pixels

Alaska Whales with Psalm 104; 1280x800 pixels

Alaska Eagle (Isaiah 40); 1280x800 pixels

Alaska Eagle (Isaiah 40); 1024 x 786 pixels

Alaska Eagle (Isaiah 40); 1440 x 900 pixels

Happy Valentine's Day; Love is... 1280x1024

Alaska Eagle (Isaiah 40); 1920 x 1080 pixels

Happy Valentine's Day; We love because... 1280x800 pixels

Happy Valentine's Day; Love is... 1024 x 786 pixels

Crystal Nativity  1280x1024

Crystal Nativity  1024 x 786 pixels

Crystal Nativity  1366x768 pixels

Crystal Nativity  1680x1050 pixels

Crystal Nativity  1280x800 pixels

Starry Night (Christmas wallpaper) 1366x768 pixels

Starry Night (Christmas wallpaper) 1024x600 pixels

Starry Night (Christmas wallpaper) 1680x1050 pixels

Starry Night (Christmas wallpaper) 1024 x 786 pixels (ipad)

Leaves fall; Word endures forever -- 1366x768 pixels

Thanksgiving Hymn and cornucopia -- 1920x1080 pixels

Xiamen University at Dusk -- 1680x1050 pixels

Thanksgiving Hymn and cornucopia -- 1366x768 pixels



Instructions for PC users: Click on the picture you want and you should see a bigger image; right-click and choose "save image as" and then save to your computer; locate it and then click "set as desktop background." I think you can save a step by choosing "set as desktop background" instead of "save image as," but then I'm not sure where your computer will store it! If you end up with a small photo or poor-quality picture, then you probably "right-clicked" the small photo on this page instead of the bigger one you get by "left-clicking" this photo.


See our Policy regarding the use of materials available at or

All images (c)2012 Michael Krigline unless otherwise noted.

Permission granted to download for personal use.


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